Originals Gallery

For your convenience, Cherokee Artist accepts payments through Square, checks and money orders.


Ordering And Contact Information

1746-Cherokee Nation

1746-Cherokee Nation

1804-1806,Lewis and Clark

1876-First Account

1892, Indian and Oklahoma Territories

A Time Of Change

Brothers Of The Hunt

Daughter Of THe Sun


Emissaries Of Peace

Indian Medicine-A Circle Journey


Jackson's Legacy

Natural Springs Pass

Medicine Dance

"Ned Christi"

Origin Of Medicine


Roaming Wild

The Grand Rush

Time Of Change

Time Of The Trail Walkers

We The People - Liberty Lost

When I Was Young

For your convenience, Cherokee Artist accepts payments through Square, checks and money orders.


Ordering And Contact Information

All reproduction rights reserved by artist - Ron Mitchell
2021 - Designed by John G Matthews in cooperation with Ron Mitchell